Friday, 8 April 2011

Day 18: Singing Justin Beiber karaoke vs watching The Human Experience

Looking at the title of my Day 18, I really do not know where to begin.

A group of people from work were off to the cinemas tonight to watch the movie,"The Human Experience". I had heard reviews about this film, people claiming that watching the film would change your life, that the viewing would inspire you in your own life, that it would help you understand the true meaning of life.
I was attending the movie, having great expectations and very high hopes.

There was some talk earlier today on what I was going to do today as my new thing. Many suggestions were supplied, some including:
- ask a random stranger personal questions
- ask a question after the movie screening in front of a huge audience
- eat something exotic and weird
- flirt with a priest (totally inappropriate I know, not saying who came up with this idea)

but nothing above seemed to interest me. (Sorry Christine)

After a normal day at work, I went shopping for a little while with my friend Christine and we had some dinner. Didn't talk to any strangers and ask them personal questions, didn't eat anything weird and there was no way I was going to flirt with a priest.

As we were walking into the cinemas, there was a karaoke machine with Justine Beiber's infamous song "Baby, Baby, Baby". Now I have done karaoke several times before, but only in private functions with people I know and only to songs that I actually like. Singing Justin Beiber and pretending to enjoy myself was a challenge itself. And it was in front of a huge crowd.

I was actually quite eager to sing the song. It didn't really faze me. I was most glad that I had actually done my thing for the day. And that I could now just enjoy the film.

What I didn't know at that stage was that the movie "The Human Experience" would have more in store for me.

The movie is about a group of young men who go on a journey to discover the meaning of life. They undertake various experiences in difficult situations and realise the beauty in every person. They learn of the hope and faith found in humans and the power of making a difference.

Simply put the movie was inspirational.

It was a self discovery journey for these young men and they painted a picture of being able to have hope even in the most difficult of situations. They learnt about their own lives, all having difficult upbringings, and they showed the power of human kindness and the importance of love and community,

Two of the actors from the movie. Michael Campo and Jeffrey Azize, appeared after the film screening answering questions from the audience. This really allowed this marvellous film seem so real. They were both so open and honest with their own personal experiences.It was a privilege to hear these talented and inspirational actors/producers speak.

We were also fortunate enough to get a photo with each of them and congratulate them on such a moving film.

I walked out the cinema thinking Justin Beiber? Why would I think that singing karaoke to a Justin Beiber song would need to be something on my list of 30 things to do? Why aren't I doing something more inspiring? Something that can make a difference to the lives of others. Why am I wasting opportunities in my life to do something simple and easy, rather than taking risks and getting out of my comfort zone?

And I realised,  today's purpose was to watch the film and to make the commitment of making a change. Even just a small one.

I have already looked into volunteering in a soup kitchen, I am donating blood soon and am interested in doing some volunteering with disabled or underprivileged children.

I would recommend that everyone watch the Human Experience. It makes you value all the wonderful things in our lives. It made me see how precious and special my life is. How lucky I am to have all the special people in my life. That I have a roof over my head, that I have a great job, that I have the opportunity to help others.

So my Day 18 experience? It was definitely learning about my possible future Human Experiences. .


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