Friday, 15 April 2011

Day 26: Mechanics 101

Cars and me don't really get on. (A yellow Monaro being the only exception). When someone tells me they bought a new car. I ask what colour? That's all I'm really interested in. I don't really know much else. Nothing about engines, or transmissions or that stuff.

 I will be honest and say that I had to get a lesson from some friends on how to put petrol in the car. And the first time I did it by myself I was so nervous and then excited that I had actually achieved this monumental task.

My father this morning, asked me to lift the hood up.

Ummm how do I do that?

So I thought this was my opportunity to learn a little bit about what is really under the bonnet.
Firstly, my dad showed me the little button under my steering wheel that I press and then the lever to help lift the hood up. And of course where the stand is hold the hood up.

He showed me some of the basic parts. To give myself some credit I knew where the engine was and also the car battery, but that is about it.

I learnt about the stick thing you pull out that indicates your oil level.

I know now where to put water for the windscreen wipers.

I can now recognise the part which is for coolant.

I can tell you where to put power steering fluid.

I even know that under each screw of the car battery, you need to make sure there is enough water.

All that in about 10 minutes.

I am eager to learn a little more. I think it would be awesome if I knew how to change a tyre and some other general car maintenance. I saw a workshop online aimed at women to help them learn more about car and parts. I would definitely be interested in participating in that in the future.

I am now ready to enrol in Mechanics 102.

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